We heard from some of the world’s top Napoleonic scholars, top writers of Napoleonic fiction, an opera singer and writer who has performed Napoleon, museum curators and catalogers, collectors, independent scholars, archaeologists, a dentist and others in an amazingly varied group of presenters who shared their knowledge and passion for Napoleonic history. Many of the presentations related to Napoleon on St Helena, his death and the aftermath, but numerous other interesting topics were discussed as well.
And discussed they were! Many presentations inspired spirited discussion and debate among the people who were attending. An average of 46-49 people attended throughout each day. Of course, they were not always the same people. Indeed, we had 131 total registrations representing at least 18 countries and 5 continents!
The link at the bottom of the page is the final program as it was presented.
Not everyone who wanted to attend was able, of course, and some people could only attend some of the program. Not to worry! Almost all of the presentations were recorded and will eventually be available to see, free of charge, on YouTube! We will email and post the link when it is available. We also anticipate that many of the presentations will end up either in the INS academic journal, Napoleonic Scholarship, or in the NHS newsletter.
The virtual Congress was extremely popular with participants, as it allowed people to participate in the comfort and safety of their own homes. Of course, we all look forward to having in-person meetings in the future, including the 2021 NHS special conference in Tallahassee, Florida, 19-21 November, the 2022 INS International Napoleonic Congress in Cork, Ireland, 3-9 July, and the 2022 NHS Annual Conference in Quebec City, Canada, 12-14 August.
The popularity and success of this Virtual Congress have led the two organizations to plan for a one-day Virtual Congress to be held each winter. These meetings likely would be for one day with a few select speakers or perhaps a round table concentrating on a specific theme, followed by a robust general discussion. This idea was met with the unanimous approval of all in attendance.